Monday, October 27, 2008

Please vote-food for thought

Link to Randy Alcorn's blog about "Why I’m Voting for 98% Pro-life John McCain rather than 100% Pro-legal-abortion Barack Obama " Very well written.
Also a link to listen to Team Sarah (Palin) Million Woman Town Hall they had Sat 10/25/08.
I just want to encourage everyone to NOT listen to the polls and the media that make it sound like the Presidential Election is already decided. That is NOT true!
Anyway i hope this helps

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Regal Cans food Festival- Thursday Sept 28th

On thursday Sept 28th Regal cinemas is having their annual canned food drive to benefit the Oregon Food Bank. For a donation of three cans or boxes of non perishable food you will receive a free movie pass and a small popcorn.
For participating theater locations

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Some free birthday Birthday offers

yes, it's almost birthday time again. 47 this year! I wanted to let you know of some free offers for your birthday you might not be aware of:
Burger lovers-Red Robin has an e-club you can sign up for and for your birthday they will send you a coupon for a free burger. Yes free. it will be good for 14 days from the time they send the coupon out via email .(tip about signing up for online offers-most internet providers will let you create several mailboxes on your account , so i have created one just for online offers so i don't have to worry about giving out my main address)
For sushi lovers: Todai offers a free meal on your birthday with the purchase of another. make sure to bring id. They are located in the Pioneer Place Mall in downtown Portland.
Hometown buffet also has an e-club and they too will send a coupon for a free meal with the purchase of another. It is good for 14 days.
Dairy Queen has a "Blizzard Fan Club" . They will send you a bogo when you join and on your birthday a coupon for a free blizzard with the purchase of another. Now that you've gain 14 lbs just reading this i'll stop. 8)
I just found this site called "Hey it's Free" with a whole list of free offers for your birthday complete with links to the forms to fill out! Wow!
Happy Birthday to anyone else with a September birthday.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Party platforms

No ,not shoes to go with your party wear but I came across these links to the Republican and Democratic platforms so thought i would make them available here in case anyone was interested- both are "straight from the horse' mouth", so to speak (or donkey or elephant as the case may be 8) . Democratic here , Republican here

Monday, August 11, 2008

Steven Curtis Chapman Family Larry King Live interview

This is the interview of the family three months of the tragic accident of their 5 year old daughter being run over and killed with their 17 year old son at the wheel.It is real and honest and worth your time it will touch your heart.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Thursday, August 7, 2008

$50 restaurant gift Certificates for $25 !

I found out today that AM Northwest has a "Restaurant of the Week" area on their site where you can buy the certificates. When I went there today for my sis in law ,two were listed. 1 The Deck in Portland and 2. Amadeus in Milwaukie. I just had to pass the info on. If you know of any great money saving idea please leave a comment and i will see it gets posted,if possible. Thanks and God bless your day.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


"I long to see you that i may impart some spiritual gift to make you strong--that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith." That blew me away the first time i saw it recently. In fact i was wondering when the Lord had slipped it in my Bible! But I'm sure it's been right there all along in Romans 1 :11-12. If I am reading it right, every time you and I talk to another believer about what the Lord is teaching us or what He has done in our lives or letting them know when we see God working in them or even when another believer sees Jesus in us,we are giving the other person a spiritual gift ! ME and You able to give someone a spiritual gift-WOW I just had to share that and maybe ,in doing so ,someone will have gotten a gift- I know I did just sharing it.

Monday, July 28, 2008

a great quote

"From the best bliss that earth imparts, we turn unfilled to Thee again." --Bernard of Clairvaux

We were blessed with a trip to Hawaii from my sweetie's big brother and still this quote is so true. I am thankful for our trip but still only the Lord can feed our hearts. I want to add a link here to a sermon i heard yesterday but it won't be online until Wednesday but if the link (go to site and click on arrow next to 7-26-08 Alan Hlavka to listen online . You can download it also )is here and you get a chance it is so worth your time. I needed the reminder. Gratefully, Libby

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Regal Cinema's Free Family Film Festival

Wow it has been awhile since I posted. I was helping a friend out with her blog while she was gone for a month on a trip posting grocery ads for Fred Meyers, Albertson's and Safeway.
My friend Megan sent me the info and I am passing it along. On Tuesday's and Wednesday's in the summer at 10 am they are having a free movie for parents and kids. Tuesdays are "G" movies and Wed "PG" movies. Here is the link to all the info. Hmm.. wonder where i can get some children...?? ;)

Monday, May 26, 2008

a beautiful quote

“A lesson came to me as a parable when I was first ill. I saw that our battle was not in the circumstances but in our attitude towards them. It is as if we stand at an elevator panel within ourselves. We have the choice of pushing the down button of self pity, bitterness and resentment, three separate thoughts that can bind themselves together. Or we can push the up button and just draw closer to God because of the extremity of the problem.” by Laurel Lee Thaler Link is to her biography.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mourning into Dancing

"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, that my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent O LORD my God, I will give thanks to You forever."

This is Esther. Yes, she is as adorable as she looks. She was recently adopted by some friends of mine in the States from Africa. Their hearts are filled with joy over her arrival and addition to their family. However, 5 years ago their and their older son's hearts were crushed with grief as they buried their 16 month old son and baby brother , who died awaiting a heart transplant.Such pain! Such heartache! So many questions. Yet,through that terribly hard time , so many were touched by their son's life and death. People came to believe Jesus died for them and today they will tell you that God is good and through it all God has been faithful to them. Today they will even tell you God had a plan all along. Today you might even find them dancing! Thank You Lord

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Don't forget 2nd Tuesdays at Oregon Zoo $2

Just a reminder in case you have been wanting to go-i know I have- the 2nd Tuesday is the 13th of May. I hope the weather is nice!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Good news

I cannot even begin to tell you how Jesus changed my life. And because He did ,I'm posting a link to a 6 minute presentation of the way to have peace with God. If you have ever wondered what does the Bible say is the way to God listen or if you know someone who is seeking God and might want to listen to a 6 minute presentation,send them the link. Hey what can they lose by listening for 6 minutes and it may just change their life! Libby

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I joined an online book club!

This is new for me and something I have always wanted to do- discuss a book I was reading with someone. We are having it message board style on her blog. I had never heard of this book before but I met the woman leading the discussion through Shelfari cuz when you add books to your "shelf" they show you others who have the same book on theirs so i went to her shelf and looked and loved many books she had so I felt safe with the book even though I had never heard of it before. I am loving this book. He is an amazing writer Leif Enger. Anyway just had to share. If you want to take a look at our "discussions" or join in follow link

Friday, March 21, 2008

I tagged myself!

I have seen this on Joy Forney's blog as well as Megan Spear's blog and I really liked getting to know them better so Megan invited others to join so I tagged myself and here are 10 random or weird things about me.

1.I am terrified of mice/rats- really I saw one in the back room where I worked one time ( don't ask me how it got there cuz it was at a mall) and I wouldn't go in there until I knew it was gone I even had other stylists mix my color for me 8)
2. Finding really good bargains actually gives me a thrill! It's a natural high for me. I know I'm strange!
3. I'm a fan of American Idol
4.I like, though I have not had it since Beauty School, Braunschweiger on Sourdough toast with grape jelly!! It was cheap at the restaurant next to the Beauty School I went to and i'd have it for breakfast. I think it was 90 cents!
5. I actually like giving pedicures. Trimming toenails the whole bit. Strange
6. if I find hair in my food it totally grosses me out and I can't eat it.
7.I love looking at clouds- not that i want it to be cloudy but i find them fascinating
8.I'm a twin- that's not weird but random.
9. Every time I have stayed at my sister's house to watch her dogs something happens that never happens when they are there- once her two Sheba Inu's were outside at night and i called them in and when they finally came in they had blood all over them- turns out they had caught a possum . Another time there was a mouse and I had to have me husband come and stay instead of me .
10I LOVE office products. I don't know why but they are just so cool to me. new pens,post its ,etc etc
Hope that wasn't TMI for anyone. Libby

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Preparing my heart for Easter

Hi, I wanted to pass this link on to Holy Week or Easter Week devotionals from my Niece's Church in Salem Ore-Salem Alliance Church. I don't know about you but I always want celebrations of Jesus' birth and Resurrection to be extra special but it seems like busy-ness crowds in sucking the life out of the celebrations so when she sent me this link I just had to pass it on in case,like me,you need it desperately ! May the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus be filled with meaning and LIFE! Because of Him, Libby

Link to Easter Story cookies you can do with your kids the night before Easter- a fun tangible way to teach your children about Easter

Monday, March 10, 2008

$2 Oregon Zoo day tomorrow 3.11.08

Sorry I just remembered- ok my PDA gives me an alert I never would have remembered!- Tomorrow is the once a month $2 zoo day at the Oregon Zoo (2nd Tuesday of every month) . Under 3 are always free. Here is a link to the zoo for rates, hours ,etc  Oregon Zoo . Have a blessed day,Libby

Friday, March 7, 2008

My "Bookshelf"

I think I am liking the bookshelf but may need to make it smaller. The reason I like it is that I get 99% of my books from the library and now I can have a "Shelf" for them but don't have to own them. I'd love to hear of some of your favorites . Libby

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Google Reader

My friend Megan Spears told me recently about this cool tool Google has and maybe you are like me and had never heard of it but it is awesome if you keep up with several blogs you can set it up so you can read the unread posts from one page. I am loving it. Here is a link to check it out  Google Reader.   Thanks Megan!

Life Stories

I love hearing people's life stories. It's so cool to see the Author of Life's hand and how He has moved in a life- whether they know it or not! I found this site-actually there are several that has people's life stories and how they came to know the Author of Life and let Him write their stories Women Today Magazine.    Check one out when you have a minute. Also , if you're interested, check back cuz  I'm going to be posting a little of my life story here soon and maybe some people I know. Have a blessed week letting Him write  your story.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Meditation that blessed me

I just had to post this. Below is the Meditation at the beginning of this week’s lesson of the Women’s Bible Study I am able to attend. It blessed me so much I thought I would pass it on in case it would bless someone else. Background for me reading it is Molly dog had surgery on her foot yesterday and I found out for 7-10 days I (or someone) have to be with her almost constantly cuz she has to be taken out to the bathroom after a bootie is put on her foot to keep it dry and the bootie can only be on 5-10 min max and she has to wear a big collar thingy so she can’t get at her foot and last night she could only sleep if I was laying right next to her. I felt like the mother of a 40+ lb newborn / toddler that needed her Mommy and needed taken out every one to two hours. I share all that to show you my lovely attitude of looking forward to a week of this ( I know I’m a wimp) and not being able to do the things I do and then I read the attached Meditation!!! here goes :

Meditation ( from ‘Out of Solitude’ by Henri J. Nouwen)
“A few years ago I me an old professor at the University of Notre Dame, Looking back on his long life of teaching, he said with a funny wrinkle in his eyes ; ’I have always been complaining that my work was constantly interrupted, until I slowly discovered that my interruptions were my work.’

“That is the great conversion in our life: to recognize and believe that the many unexpected events are not just disturbing interruptions of our projects, but the way in which God molds our hearts and prepares us for His return. Our great temptations are boredom and bitterness. When our good plans are interrupted by poor weather, our well-organized careers by illness or bad luck , our peace of mind by inner turmoil, our hope by a constant changing of the guards, and our desire for immortality by real death, we are tempted to give in to a paralyzing boredom or to strike back in destructive bitterness. But when we believe that patience can make our expectations grow, then ‘fate’ can be converted into a vocation, wounds into a call for deeper understanding, and sadness into a birthplace for joy. “
Does God know just what we need or what?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Saving money on groceries

I just found a new blog that a friend of mine that I had lost touch with is doing called "Shop, Eat. Live.". What she does each week is go throught the grocery ads of the local Portland area stores and lets you know what she thinks the great deals are, the ok deals and the notably BAD deals are. She does it for several stores including Thriftway , Albertson's , Fred Meyers ,Safeway and a few others. Check it out!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Soda Pop or Water?

They say drinking water is good for you. Some say 8-10 glasses a day. Some say half your body weight in ounces a day( can one drink that much??!) but when I used to drink a lot of soda pop water just tasted blah,boring even yucky. So what was I to do? I had to purposely drink water even when it wasn't pleasant and to be able to drink water I had to drink less pop. Something happened over I LIKE even PREFER water over pop. In fact pop doesn't taste very good to me now. That reminds me my walk with the Lord. If I've been spending lots of time watching tv and movies even great fiction I get this taste for it and want it more and more and more and then when I do spend time in the Word it can seem blah and boring. I've redeveloped my taste for "soda pop" instead of "Water". Refreshing life giving water . So once again I need to purposefully drink water even when the taste for it isn't there temporarily. That's what's been going on with me lately and slowly my taste for cool ,clean refreshing water is returning Ahhh. Pray for me. Oh and spent the time I was cleaning the kitchen and bathroom today catching up listening to my Bible after I'd committed to listening to it this year and was behind like 8 or 9 days and it's only the 14th! Jonathon reminded me of it this weekend just by his mentioning that he'd been listening to his while he walked on his treadmill. Thanks bro- do we need each other or what!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

2008- Can you believe it? Here's a Christmas picture with my family at my Sissy's house. My twin sister, her husband and kids, my Mom and hubby.
May this year be filled with eternal things. Things that last. That we will be glad of when we're 80. That will receive a "Well Done" when we stand before the King of Kings.
In case anyone is interested and you want to listen to the Bible through in a year and you have itunes you can subscribe to a podcast of it called 1-Year Bible On Radio Podcast-there are others also- (detailed instructions-open up iTunes then click on "iTunes store". Then up in the right hand corner there is a search box. Type in "1-Year Bible On Radio Podcast". When it comes up you can click on "Subscribe" and it will download them into the "Podcast" area of the iTunes program right under where you click to see your music. After that you can listen to it on the computer or download to your iPod. High speed connection recommended ). to read online here is a link to have the Scripture email to you daily- you choose the version . It's free like all I list but you do have to register. Another site to get a 12 month plan or read online is this one.
I know there are many other sites and plans ranging from the whole bible in three year to Bible in 90 days to just NT or overviews etc. Just do an Internet search for "Bible Reading Plans".