Friday, March 21, 2008

I tagged myself!

I have seen this on Joy Forney's blog as well as Megan Spear's blog and I really liked getting to know them better so Megan invited others to join so I tagged myself and here are 10 random or weird things about me.

1.I am terrified of mice/rats- really I saw one in the back room where I worked one time ( don't ask me how it got there cuz it was at a mall) and I wouldn't go in there until I knew it was gone I even had other stylists mix my color for me 8)
2. Finding really good bargains actually gives me a thrill! It's a natural high for me. I know I'm strange!
3. I'm a fan of American Idol
4.I like, though I have not had it since Beauty School, Braunschweiger on Sourdough toast with grape jelly!! It was cheap at the restaurant next to the Beauty School I went to and i'd have it for breakfast. I think it was 90 cents!
5. I actually like giving pedicures. Trimming toenails the whole bit. Strange
6. if I find hair in my food it totally grosses me out and I can't eat it.
7.I love looking at clouds- not that i want it to be cloudy but i find them fascinating
8.I'm a twin- that's not weird but random.
9. Every time I have stayed at my sister's house to watch her dogs something happens that never happens when they are there- once her two Sheba Inu's were outside at night and i called them in and when they finally came in they had blood all over them- turns out they had caught a possum . Another time there was a mouse and I had to have me husband come and stay instead of me .
10I LOVE office products. I don't know why but they are just so cool to me. new pens,post its ,etc etc
Hope that wasn't TMI for anyone. Libby


Jane Jane said...

Thanks, Libby! I'll remember what to get you for next April fools.

Megan Spears said...

Ha! You are so cute!

I have to say that the twin thing... wouldn't have guessed, but explains a lot about you. The dog sitting thing...I can relate. I used to dog sit for a friends parents over the course of a racing season and weird stuff used to happen to me too.

Cute... glad you did this... it's kind of fun.